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Handling Serious Criminal Cases Throughout Massachusetts
Bristol & Suffolk County Family Law Attorney
Trusted Family Lawyers Serving Massachusetts & Rhode Island
When it comes to family law, even common legal matters can be complicated, emotional, and challenging to settle. At the Law Office of Frank D. Camera and Associates, P.C., our Bristol County family lawyer combines thorough preparation with dedicated advocacy for each family law case we take.
Trust the Law Office of Frank D. Camera and Associates on these and other family law areas:
- Marriage Dissolution. Massachusetts is a “no-fault” divorce state. The plaintiff need only claim there has been an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. There can be other grounds for the divorce, such as adultery, drug/alcohol addiction, desertion, and serving a jail sentence of at least five years. The general residency requirement for you to file for divorce is 12 months.
- Child Custody. Massachusetts child custody laws recognize joint custody; allow for visitation by grandparents; and consider the child's own wishes.
- Child Support. The court determines child support based on set guidelines that include each parent's income, daycare expenses, cost of medical insurance, and the living arrangements of the children.
- Prenuptial Agreement. These agreements usually center on how property and money acquired during the marriage will be characterized and how debts will be handled.
- Understanding Domestic Violence Laws in Massachusetts. Massachusetts domestic violence offenses can include crimes such as assault or sexual misconduct. Victims may bring civil charges in family court or criminal charges.
- Changing Your Name After Divorce. This is part of the divorce settlement if the change is related to the end of a marriage. Other name changes go through a petition process. A judge can deny the new name if the change is “inconsistent with public interests.”
- Guardianship Options for Families. The three types of guardianship are of a person, property, or both. An elderly parent or a disabled relative are examples of those who might need guardianship. Depending on the situation, a guardian may make medical decisions for the other, may ensure they have food or may determine how and where they invest money.
- Termination of Parental Rights Explained. A parent’s rights may be terminated by the courts due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment, among other reasons. A parent can voluntarily terminate their rights, but the court must approve and determine that doing so is in the child’s best interest.
- Addressing Juvenile Matters Effectively. Examples include emancipation of a minor, Child Requiring Assistance, and a child arrested in a criminal matter.
Benefits of Hiring Our Bristol County Family Law Attorney
Even in situations where you believe that you and the other party can collectively come to an agreement, the discernment and knowledge of a skilled attorney can help protect you in both the short and long term. Our family law attorney can address questions you may not have considered and guide you through difficult scenarios.
Should a case become more antagonistic, having our firm with our extensive criminal defense background is the legal combination you want on your side.
Establishing a relationship with our talented family lawyer can also be helpful as situations change and cause the need to revisit and renegotiate custody, support, and other arrangements in the future. We know you, we know what’s important to you, and will always fight for your best interests.

Outstanding Results That Speak for Themselves
Not Guilty First-Degree Murder
Not Guilty Illegal Possession of Firearm
Not Guilty Drunk Driving
Not Guilty Guns, Ammunition and Cocaine Seized
Sentence Reduced Second-Degree Murder Charge
Sentence Reduced Federal Drug Conspiracy

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