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Case Result: Manslaughter and Serious Injury Charges Dropped in Elder Neglect Case


Attorney Frank D. Camera successfully defended a client charged with Manslaughter, Permitting Serious Injury to an Elder, and Permitting Abuse of an Elder. The case arose from an investigation into the care of the defendant's elderly mother, who was hospitalized with multiple pressure ulcers and later died under hospital care. The Commonwealth intended to prove that the defendant’s neglect contributed to her death.

After Attorney Camera's efforts, the Commonwealth agreed to nolle prosequi the two most serious charges—manslaughter and permitting serious injury to an elder. The defendant ultimately received a sentence of two years probation on the remaining charge of permitting abuse of an elder.

If you need experienced legal representation for elder-related charges, contact Frank D. Camera, Attorney at Law, to discuss your options and protect your rights.

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